Episode 3

Published on:

23rd Jul 2024

Career Transitions and Hypnotherapy: An Insightful Journey with Sami Ahmed from New Wave Wellness

A passionate Hypnotherapist that works in the corporate space for individuals and companies that are looking to maximise their potential through deep resetting of the subconscious mind.

In this episode, Oliver speaks with Sami Ahmed from New Wave Wellness about his journey from a high-stress IT sales career to becoming a hypnotherapist. Sammy shares his personal story of burnout during the COVID-19 pandemic, his path to hypnotherapy certification, and his work with recruitment firms and athletes.

He emphasizes the importance of continuous professional development, understanding the core beliefs of clients, and adapting techniques to meet individual needs. Sammy also discusses the evolving workplace dynamics, particularly the impact of Generation Z's expectations on corporate culture and recruitment. He highlights the significance of coaching and addressing mental health in achieving professional success and personal well-being.

00:00 Introduction and Guest Background

00:25 Journey into Hypnotherapy

02:24 Training and Mentorship

04:13 Professional Development in Hypnotherapy

05:38 Working with Generation Z

06:05 Innovating in Hypnotherapy

10:42 The Art and Science of Hypnotherapy

14:21 Coaching and Recruitment

24:07 Building Rapport and Commitment

24:54 Misconceptions About Hypnotherapy

25:29 Coaching Athletes vs. General Public

26:31 Value Addition in Business and Sports

27:30 Challenges in Recruitment and Hypnotherapy

28:25 Confidentiality and Professional Code

29:55 Tracking Progress and Business Insights

32:35 Generation Z and Workplace Expectations

34:16 Entrepreneurial Challenges and Mental Health

45:42 Final Thoughts and Contact Information

Samir's Website

@hypnobysami on Instagram


**Oliver Grantham:** So I'm delighted to have with me right now on, video link. Sammy, Samir Ahmed of new Wave Wellness

**Sami Ahmed:** co uk.

Sure. So my website is www. newwavewellness. co. uk. And my Insta handle is @hypnobysammi that's Hypno by Sammy, S A M M I.

Awesome. Yeah. So thanks, Oliver for having me on. I really appreciate it. And, yeah, it's been a real rollercoaster. So I spent 10 years. IT, really high obtained sales environments, started my own company. And then during the pandemic pushed to get a job in job came in next week, COVID hit job wasn't there.

And I was so burnt out. I put so much into this. into that business that I was like, right, I'm kind of feel like I'm back to square one because I don't want to do that again. And I was sitting on my sister's couch in Brick Lane and she said to me, look, we always thought you've been great with people, you like to listen, you're great advice as well.

t we should get some sort of [:

And so that was the only therapy that I've had. And so I reached out to her and she said, Look, I can't really, I can't really, do a face to face course because of covid and lockdown. So I said, Okay, well, I mean, I really want to do this. And she said, Look, I don't know how long it's going to take. We can work on zoom, ended up taking about a year and a half, really grinded it out, really committed to the calls and qualified.

And once qualified as a hypnotherapist, I was like, right, it was a bit strange charging people locally. when they, it's such a tough time for people right now, there's a cost of living. And so I thought I'd use my B2B experience, from recruitment and managed to start working with recruitment firms across the country.

that you owned a podcast and [:


**Oliver Grantham:** yeah,

**Sami Ahmed:** I really liked what really liked our conversation before and that's why I'm here.

**Oliver Grantham:** Fantastic. And, going back to your hypnotherapy course that you did for 18 months, who was that with? And would you say that you're specialised in any particular area of hypnotherapy or, and your certifications?

**Sami Ahmed:** That's a good question. So my mentor is, someone called Jacqueline Penchaud. She's been doing hypnotherapy for the last 30 years. And I met her in first company I worked at and actually she had been introduced to the CEO of that firm from another CEO she'd worked with.

really cool. so she, when I [:

And whatnot. but we kind of embarked on this journey. She taught me everything. and the college that she runs the College of Inspirational Therapy. She's an amazing woman, amazing person. I took, a thorough exam and, once I qualified, I'm insured by Valens as well.

you have to go through that process and setting up the business and then I joined the International Hypnotherapy Association. straight after as well. It's a great place for us to congregate and discuss ideas I went to a conference just recently and it was very interesting, very good.

. area, isn't it? And a very [:

**Sami Ahmed:** Absolutely. And I was really lucky that I connected with, I think his name is Greg Jones or Graham Jones. He essentially was creating something called the Hypno Summit So It's a virtual, conference.

you log on online and they have the best, the most popular, hypnotherapists around the world that have an opportunity to demonstrate something interesting they've found. Whether it's with deepners, whether it's past life regression, whatever particular subject. So they actually have a center where you could learn.

doing it and what we do is a [:

I'm Honing a craft. I'm using things and also the audience that's in front of us varies So much you have to be aware of where their mind goes for example, if you're working with someone in the Gen Zed world Or from Generation Z, it's really interesting how their minds work.

is so much so different even to myself and I'm not that much older I am older but the problems that they have the patterns that they've created maybe not even of their own but by their environment it's really important to stay limber flexible and open to learning

**Oliver Grantham:** Absolutely.

ur heart, and you have quite [:

So, yeah, absolutely. CPD, always improving.

It doesn't matter if it's a Tesla electric car or online banking or TV streaming services or broadband or whatever, it doesn't matter what product or service, there's a business guy once who said innovate or die. Now, whether or not we're innovating for the pure purpose of innovating that, I would like to think not, and that we're innovating according to need and how we need to go about it.

Now, I very much appreciate what you're saying about the Hypnos Summit, and it's a recognition. In any professional like ourselves who recognizes that this very much is a developmental thing and we're always trying to improve on what we're already doing is an extremely important thing. And it's something that is very much within our DNA and we must continue to do.

** Yeah, absolutely. I think [:

I am someone who has actually said, no, this is what I have been born to do. This is my passion. I managed to connect the dots with my mind with so many different aspects of my life through music, through poetry, through TV and just understanding kind of the deeper core.

of association and how it affects us. And there's always a fascinating subject for me. And so I'm deciding to go all in. And when you do something like that, Oliver, and it's not really just about going all in because we have kids and we have all that going on. But when you dedicate you graduate in something, You've put the time in, you've really grafted it, and it suits your personality so much.

be an awareness of the fact [:

What I love about what I do is that when I'm working on me as my service, it's very, it's fun.

I enjoy it. I love reading about it. I

I've read some fascinating books just off the back of hypnotherapy that. I've really helped me not only from a technique perspective, but also from a client approach of perspective and from a delivery perspective as well.

And, so yeah, it's one of those careers, you're using it for that actually feeds your own soul as much as you're helping others, which I think is lovely.

**Oliver Grantham:** Yes, life mission, Dharma, whatever you'd like to call it.

here, doing what you do with [:

**Sami Ahmed:** Absolutely. It's weird, isn't it?

**Oliver Grantham:** It might be weird, but in a way it makes you perhaps formalize in your own mind that there is some kind of a pattern and a deeper meaning to life. Your own words were you, you were born to do this.

**Sami Ahmed:** Yes. A hundred percent.

I've spent a lot of time, always fascinated with that part of life through philosophy, through art, how people are articulating their lives, learning lessons from that, reading and what not. And I've come to find through hypnotherapy, actually, funny enough, through studying it and actually administering it on myself and from other people doing it with me, I found a very deep sense of, oh, it's okay.

Don't worry. It's just to experience it. That's all. That's your answer. once I took that as the meaning of life to experience it, no, it's not always going to be roses. It's going to be really, really tough time sometimes, but as long as you're in the game experiencing it, that's just what it is, you know, but what is that?

at is fascinating about that [:

And that's what we do. I think that's a great kind of way of saying what we do in terms of hypnotherapy, which might be a bit different to just your conscious level. analytical conversation you have with therapists, there are amazing therapists out there. if that's not working or you feel like there's something else calling you, then hypnotherapy is a great option to try.

I think that's kind of what you were saying earlier.

**Oliver Grantham:** Absolutely. to summarize, I think what you're saying is that hypnotherapy is both a science and an art, and it's in a state of constant research and development. from a professional point of view, that's part of the draw.

hypnosis, hypnotherapy as a [:

Like how to drive along a motorway, how to deal with middle lane hoggers, how to deal with boy racers or whatever it might be. Yeah. that's when the real fun starts. would you agree? Including your own personal development and wanting to discover more. but you were in the process of helping people before you got your hypnosis.

Is that right? That you were doing that anyway, in a corporate setting. Is that right? .

**Sami Ahmed:** With recruitment, I wasn't the best salesman in the world at all. Wouldn't hit the numbers, but I was the most resilient and that's what I got told. I spent a year of not billing any money with this business and they backed me and it was amazing.

And when I met my hypnotherapist and she unlocked, she showed me what I needed,

in recruitment, if I look at [:

I was always open to a change, but it's very, very weird that I had to lock into one area for quite a long time for me to really just find my way

**Sami Ahmed:** And that was a really big difference maker for me. It's a quality that I've always had just because of the way that we are as people. in our family, in my personal environment, things can change like that. And it's like, right, I need to keep it moving.

I have no problem, Dan. And so that has always stuck with me, always stuck with me.

**Oliver Grantham:** So there were signs that you were getting very people oriented and against perhaps company targets or whatever it might be.

So are you saying that the signs are signposts in your life, getting you to walk down a certain route? I think of Wizard of Oz on the yellow brick road and the signposts and the junctions they come to. Are you saying that the signposts were already beginning to present themselves to you. Yeah.

** And you know, the biggest [:

And it's been amazing. They even said to me, this, you're not a salesman, not, you're not just a salesman anyway. There's something else to you. Ever since I was younger, they said to me, there's a universe going on in you. You need to get it out there.

And my dad always wanted me to teach in some way. And I always thought when I was younger, I was like, I don't want to teach. I don't really get the teaching. So I liked the soft skills. I didn't like the actual job. And so, I basically was. with hypnotherapy, there is a massive coaching element to this.

What we do is a huge, part of what we do that is not necessarily advice driven. But it's informational, and it's educational in some way. Just knowing how our different systems work, how the subconscious mind works, and you actually have more power than you realize. It's a huge, dance that we play.

e performance in what we do, [:

it's really, really interesting. So I think that there were early signs. With that in mind, of me being, doing something, where I'm trying to help people in some way.

**Oliver Grantham:** And so what, what are you doing now? What's your present situation in relation to the hypnotherapy?

And within that, another thing about coaching, I think there's a general misconception in the public out there that we just wave a pocket watch.

And then they'll leave our office for the very first time and their lives and their problems are solved. Right. So, obviously, it's something that we can discuss.

What's the nature of the work that you're doing now at this time? And feel free to bring in any coaching aspects. I suppose I'm really asking about what is your particular approach? What's a particular way in which generally you work with people and who are they?

good point. So in the sports [:

Are they professional poker players? They are, well some, there are varying degrees of their journeys at the moment. they're not all, living the high life and champagne life, at the minute. but they are fascinating because they have to make high pressure decisions quickly.

They have to have a low latency when it comes to thinking. They have to, remain calm and not have any tells and reads tells at the same time. Very high pressure, spotlight work, you know? And, not only that, dealing with the, drudgery of having to stay in hotels, at the end of the day, you're in a poker room with very tense people for three days in a row.

o. And it was an area that I [:

And it's now led to. Another area that I'm exploring, which is really, really fun. but what I do with new wave wellness predominantly, is I'm working with recruitment companies because I feel that in the recruitment industry, there's absolutely nothing really.

I think I was reading that the REC are a board within the recruitment, and they are a general body that looks after, members, within the recruitment industry. And the only stat that I could find is that, on a scale of five, five being the highest amount of stress you can experience.

They say that, a recruiter will experience three to five every single day. Now, if you're working in accounting, it's usually just really risen when it comes to payday or whatever it is. And then you get a bit of a smooth out. However, this is a highly pressurized environment at points where you're given a value of this is what you need to earn for our business if you're doing business development and what not.

when it comes to coaching, I [:

And that's me working with, one man bands and a couple of bigger clients with 40 or 50 people on site. very intense work, actually, those ones. and from one hypnotist talking to another hypnotherapist, extremely draining. I've did a lot in my first contract, six sessions a day, at minimum.

So it was very, very intense. However, the coaching aspect came into it where I could see that in a business environment. There isn't a place that they could go where the L and D learning development is fantastic, and they've got a lot to churn out to make sure that they're trained effectively

sible for people performing. [:

And I think more to your point, stripping it all back from what I do specifically, when it comes to what we do, we have to get to the core beliefs of people. What is your core? What have you told yourself for years and years and years? And just like a PT or, an athlete coach will tell you before we do anything.

You want to be a basketball player? You want to be a football player? Whatever you need. We need to work on your fundamental technical skills, which is why I help with the recruitment because I've done it. Or it's your, body and your core. And that's where we work with. In my case, it's the core beliefs.

sessions, [:

And actually the first couple of sessions is just getting the person ready for it. what am I experiencing? Where am I? And once they're comfortable with that, the real work begins. And because we are so. All this energy is built up over years. We are genuinely, I know it sounds cheesy, but we're onions.

Those layers take a little bit more time to undo, so when I was saying before about it being a performance, you and I know that sometimes you can't just go in direct, right, here's your problem. A, B, C, and D. Some people that works, and it's useful. However, what's as useful is knowing when to This person needs time to open up.

They need time. And so, the coaching aspect of it is really just getting people, aligned with the program. That once we've done the core, and we understand, and we've reframed a lot of these old stories that you've told yourself. Once we start there, then anything is possible after that.

, that's all you really need [:

So i'm working with a Two man band actually lovely guys up in manchester and They've got past survival mode. They've done fantastically well. When I first started working with them, they were deep in survival mode. You know what that is where you're highly alert, can't switch off, but you're making it happen now for an entrepreneur, as much as me as a hypnotherapist wants to say, You know what?

You need to calm down. You at the end of the day, it's more, that's what you signed up for. Just like an athlete as well. We're going to have to get through this, but I can help you get there in a lot less of a bumpy way. And with those guys, after six months, they went to fill in. And bringing in money, in six figures, which was amazing, a six figure revenue of which they, I don't think they would have actually even imagined when they first started working with me.

got all these resources now. [:

You've got the resources, you're out of survival mode. Now it's about how do I work smarter? How do I streamline my processes to make sure that I'm getting the most bang for my buck? Because you're willing to give your time up for anyone back then. You're not in that space anymore. We need to get your subconscious to just calm down a little bit, experience and enjoy the money for a moment and start using it effectively because you deserve it.

And so now we're reaching there. And then once he's done that, then we go to level three, whether it's hiring a team, whether it's working on your marketing, whether it's whatever it is, we've now worked at where people are on the recruitment career cycle. Are you in survival mode? Are you in where's my path mode? Are you in? I want to just sell this business and be done mode.

people that are at different [:

But it's hard as a hypnotherapist to turn around and say, Yeah, you know, like until you want to do the actual work, I don't really think you need to want the transformation. A lot of people that want to dabble into hypnotherapy see what it's like, few laughs. Oh, that was interesting. And that's great.

That's not really what you and I do. We're here for a serious matter of actually trying to affect change, whether that's within yourself or if it's in your revenue, your job, in habits, whatever it is. And, I'm sure you've been in a position where it's. Like you have to turn away good work because the client you don't want I don't want to take your money for no reason

ll I do explain right at the [:

And I think that's important because you're wanting to have a good connection with somebody because of the specific nature of their difficulties, I think it's important, isn't it, to have that.

Honest, totally transparent, trustworthy relationship. For some people, hypnosis can be so powerful that it needs to be managed in the right way. Through coaching, manage people's changes when they do in fact change, during the stages of the development of their journey that they share with you during that time.

ascinating area of having to [:

**Sami Ahmed:** I think that's what you're, you're kind of alluding that if I have time with someone and I know that they're committed to that time in whatever fashion, whether it's their own time or it's financially, once they've given that commitment, then I can say, okay, well, I see where you're at the moment.

What's very interesting Is that once you have that rapport with someone, which you develop on that initial phone call or first session. I think that unless we feel that there is the actual want there to change, they will naturally be open anyway.

So they're actually yearning for someone to connect the dots for the most of the time. in business, there's some real staunch people that are like, well, You can't do this to me. And I'm like, well, that's really cool because I'm not looking to do anything with you.

totally different concept to [:

I'm not trying to do anything to you. Which is the misconception.

**Oliver Grantham:** Yeah, absolutely. This conversation very recently with a fellow hypnotherapist about how some people do see it as a challenge. Oh, you can't hypnotize me. And I'm thinking, well, I'm not here to hypnotize yourself because all hypnosis is self hypnosis anyway.

**Sami Ahmed:** Yeah.

**Oliver Grantham:** Doing it yourself anyway, without my help.

**Sami Ahmed:** 100%. Absolutely. And it's an absolute. The coaching side is really cool because you can really, fast track their development in a specific area and taking it out of, oh, I want to get a better job or no, not a better job.

lly, much more directly with [:

They follow them well. So as the general public, if it's gym motivation or fitness motivation, it's a totally different conversation to an athlete who is like, yeah, the dedication is not the problem. I'm looking to actually tweak this part of my game, whether it's the confidence side as they're walking to the ring,

About four or five UFC fighters, most of it came down to not the actual fight, It's the walk to the ring, which always gets them, which might mess up what's going to happen in the ring. And that's what was interesting to me.

That's where I feel like we add value to business, to sports. Is that it's not what you're doing. Sometimes, I mean, a big biller who's billions so much money here or an athlete that's winning all these medals or whatever, that's all great. What we offer is an additive to a part of your life that has.

address them. And it takes a [:

And don't worry. You've got help. I mean, how great is that for us, Oliver, to say that to someone? No, I can help you. It might not be in the best way. It might not be even me that you end with, but I will help you on your journey to finding what you are looking for and the fact that you probably don't need to find it.

coach stroke hypnotherapist, [:

Notwithstanding the fact that there may be a little hidden agenda here that I don't know. Thank you. maybe a conversation for another day that what the employer really wants to do if they hire you is they want them to become more productive. And that's massively the first another day,

**Sami Ahmed:** the first month I just had people like, I have people just peering in, you know, like, what is this?

It's called press that's happening. What happens between hypnotherapists and client is sacred. And it's a professional code. If anything, if sacred is a bit too wishy washy for you, it's a professional code that we abide by. And, what's funny is once the first people do it, they always, I always get people say, Oh, do you know what?

I wasn't even thinking about coming here because I thought you was a snitch or a, or you're a, you're a spy or whatever it, whatever it is. but after. After so and so did it, yeah, I really want to come here for this reason. And when I always ask them, like, oh, what did they say about it? I mean, what made you want to come?

And they're like, well, [:

**Oliver Grantham:** You find that sometimes? somebody Who says to you, okay, well, here are my gang. Here's the employees that I have work with them. do you find that sometimes what the employer or the contractor with you thinks? be able to do for them and then it's different so that when you see them it opens up sometimes because it's all private and confidential Anyway with the people you see it opens up a can of worms, which is almost at loggerheads with There are two things going on here You've got the people you're contracting with who want a certain thing perhaps And then when the people open up as you say in front of you and it's all private and confidential you discover something else entirely

eturn of the investment from [:

I was like, no, who would, it's not something that you can track like your business, analytics and numbers. Don't get me wrong. I found a way that we can track it in some way where I started to get my clients to complete a busy recruiter survey, which they fill out after three months.

and a six month engagement is really all I'm interested in anyway, because it's, I'm giving them the tools and then I do the work and then I go. That's what I make people self sufficient, you know? but when I speak to this, CEO, it's very much like, look, I have to build rapport with these people.

And usually after the first month, I will talk to the CEO about general things that I can see as a person who's been in recruitment that might stifle the business's growth. So for example, are you, celebrating the wins in the right way? Is there a collaborative feel in the company? Is everything siloed?

re? Is there an appreciation [:

I tend to usually give a report after the first month of where I think they need to improve as a business and that doesn't always go down. some people take the advice, some people don't, but I think that's the best way to work because, what I do is so vital to the growth that they've set for themselves, if they all knew the answer to how they grow effectively with a good team and everyone's happy and getting along they will be doing it themselves.

It's very ethereal. Having a good culture is ethereal. They've got people coming in with, as heads of people now, very established role. Their job is to ensure that the people In the business, being effective in what they do, but also getting job satisfaction, getting job satisfaction. So they are in the right place and they have purpose.

hink it's cool. I think it's [:

You know, there's a people that are building business at the moment. They want to feel connected they're coming from new generation of CEOs, which are anything between 18 and 35 40 If you are a CEO at that age, there is a want to actually create a fun working space to create something that is fair and You're never going to get it right, but we can all work towards trying to improve where we work and how we work,

**Oliver Grantham:** Are you saying that you're noticing quite a sea change as the workforce or certainly CEOs become from a different generation that their priorities on what they want to achieve for their companies is different. And it goes beyond just mere. profit.

ssentially. And that's their [:

really influenced me and I found fascinating when I was studying for hypnotherapy three

**Sami Ahmed:** years ago, I got introduced to an online Gartner conference. And it was around, how CEOs are setting up for the future. And in that particular, conference, there was a woman that spoke about how the workspace or business, let's say, is becoming less customer centric and more employee centric, those savvy business leaders are thinking that way anyway. And the reason is, is because they started to realize that no matter how many customers you have, if that person on the phone is not happy with where they are, where they're working, they're not going to sell your product in the right way or manage that customer in the right way.

there's a big shift change in:

They are the currency of your business. Their mental health is the currency of your business. To be totally honest with you, if you are growing and expanding and whatnot, and if you are looking to do that, then you must invest in it. Now, the second conference that I went to and I thought was absolutely fascinating was A lady who was working with, a recruitment company, she went into businesses and explained the character traits of Gen Z. And a lot of it was around the main sort of crux of it was around that they would actually prefer to take a decrease in pay for a company that made them feel collaborated, listened to, and, feel that they're contributing to the success of that company over the financial recompense that they get.

got in their own life. Like, [:

However, if you want your business to actually run effectively, you want the new generation to be working there in some formal capacity, we've got to make it enticing.

And no matter what I look like, no matter who I am, go out there and make money. so I'll be working with people at markets Fascinating people. Incredible what they do. In fact, intelligence at that point, when you're being too intelligent, would work against you.

Keep it simple. Boom, boom, boom. Get on the phones. Nowadays, if I talk to people about getting on the phones, everything's done through outreach. Everything's done through email and the sales cadence is different. as much as I think that that's different to what I do, realistically, that's what it is.

our reputation as a business [:

And you and I know from meeting some of the most ruthless business people Nowadays, that's huge for people. What are your ethics in business? And the gen z are smart enough to the fact that hold on a minute. We're here to change the world You I'm not taking any less than what I want.

So I think there's a, when it comes to the CEO and what I've gone in there for and what my purpose is, and I just want a clear structure of what, where you're going to go. I I give clear structures of how I'm going to operate, but what walks through the door, I can't answer. I don't know.

I don't know.

**Oliver Grantham:** Are you saying that generation Z are, already? Being our employees workforce of the future, and they represent a total sea change in their expectations of their employers.

get better in time when more [:

**Sami Ahmed:** Yeah, and yes and no, in the sense that they're not sitting around doing nothing. That's what's quite funny. We're, the generation above me, are just not aware of the savvy ways that they're working. Social media can generate good revenue for you, so.

If you're getting two grand a month from social media, which as a young person isn't actually that hard, it's a lot less harder for them than getting on the phone to a head of department, a head of HR and have thrashing it out how they've messed up their recent terms or whatever the relationships not been great or whatnot.

products that I can sell to [:

**Oliver Grantham:** that there's an increased awareness and increased focus and concentration, particularly amongst Generation Z, about all of the digital opportunities for entrepreneurialism that are out there and that employers, if they're not careful, recruiters, in other words, could become very weak at not attracting the right brains, the right skills, the right talent into their businesses.

And that individuals are just becoming entrepreneurial because the digital, landscape, allows plentiful opportunities for generations, the entrepreneurs to do that.

**Sami Ahmed:** You put that very well. very succinct. Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying. and I think that the allure to recruitment is not as strong as it was.

take on [:

Every job requires a skill. And in the evenings study,

along with that, there's an urgency to be their own boss, essentially. Not all of them. I mean, it's out of order to say that they're all so entrepreneurial. I'm sure just as in many entrepreneurial ones, there are people that are looking to just chill and relax. However, what I would say to those people is that, well, look at the system that's =created around them.

We are seeing a decline a hundred percent in mental health because of the cost of living because of the, ramifications of very, greedy. Institutions and corporations, of having the high life in the 90s and the early two thousands and booms big upward trends.

nce I would say, I mean, for [:

But if they're not, then there's going to be a serious mental health epidemic, which is why they can't, the CEOs can't stop hearing about it and hiring quote unquote, good people. And AI is being pushed to take out more jobs and whatnot, and create new ways of. But it required people to be savvy in different ways.

Yeah, it's a really, really, interesting time. Now, I don't want to sound like we're all being governed. I don't want to sound like we're in a maniacal state. And I don't want to make it seem as if there is positivity out there. There is love out there still. you know? Sure.

a stress, anxious, depressed [:

**Sami Ahmed:** And to those people that, from what I've just said, that it may feel that, yeah, you know what, I'm downtrodden, I'm all that.

That is the trick. That's the trick that you've fallen for. That's the trick. And they want you to be in, that's the narrative, that's the line that they wanna give the narrative that we ReadWrite as hypnotherapist. I'm downtrodden. The system isn't fair. The system is rigged. Trust me. I've known that for a very, very long time and I've been in it and out of it.

And with that it does. It doesn't affect who you are as a natural person. Your value should not be attributed only to if you can provide some sort of monetary and, recompense to yourself. Actually, you have to be aware of the fact that you're a natural animal. You're human

I mean, we often talk about [:

Or is it a challenge for you to to to have to persuade them or explain to them that we really are in the middle of a massive change right now and and that really you see it as part of your role to try to get them to see that things are changing very rapidly.

health, that you do actually [:

If you're not thinking about that, then I'm not the person for you and good luck with it. But if the people that are thinking that are thinking in the same way I am,

it's about saying I'm here. And actually, this is what I found. If you're interested in doing something really cool with your business and making sure that you can attract talent and increase revenue through your consultants mental health. That's pretty cool to me. I don't think I need to sell that too much anymore.

**Oliver Grantham:** No. So what you're saying is CEOs themselves through other channels need to wake up one morning and recognize the fact that they need to innovate or die. They need to change if they want to attract the talent to survive as a business, as AI, IR for whatever that means develops, and then they'll send you as OMG.

Who can we turn to? Is there somebody who can help me? And you'll pop up and go, Here I am. Is that basically what we're saying here?

our point, that I am here to [:

**Sami Ahmed:** And if they are banging their heads thinking, why can't we hire the right people? Why can't we get people to stay past the six month point? Why can't we encourage, why is our learning development, who are responsible for training our staff, what is with this person? It's not L& D. Perhaps this person's gone through something that's, they can't see a way out.

Perhaps this person has, has been in a previous job, which happens a lot, where they were either successful, And I've seen this a lot, actually, if they're extremely successful at their last job, most of the time they're comparing their current job to their last job and people in improvement do that. Oh, in my last job, this is the way it was.

And it might be in a negative or a positive experience, but it's never balanced. It's always, Oh, I was extremely successful there. Why am I not successful here? Or I was extremely unsuccessful there from their viewpoint anyway. Why would I be successful here? And I'm here to say, none of that past stuff exists, none of that future stuff exists.

right here. And as you know, [:

Don't hold on. How do you let go? If you don't know what you're holding on to? Well, the only thing we can let go of is this idea of past and future. And that means I have to be here right now. Okay. You've let go

**Oliver Grantham:** talking of the now i'm aware of the time and I also feel as though we've barely scratched the surface Wow Invite you back but i'd like to just ask you one final question for this one

Particularly, I think your experience and your understanding of Generation Z in particular is absolutely fascinating. I'd invite you back and focus particularly on that if that's okay. Yeah. that would be amazing. Anything else that you might want to speak with me about?

nk Generation Z is certainly [:

I really do. But in terms of where you are, you're sitting professionally right now, what kind of people. Are you working with them? Do you feel as though they're the right people that you're working with right now? Or what would you like to see more of? And if somebody is listening to this and thinking, Hey, no, I'm really liking this guy. I really dig Sammy. I need to get in touch with him to explore possibilities with him, whether that be a CEO of a business or anyone else.

what would you say to them? what kind of people would you like to approach you? and how?

**Sami Ahmed:** It's a great question. 85 percent of the recruitment industry, and I was only recently told this, but 85 percent of our industry is small enterprises.

So once [:

that affected me at that time, probably about 45 years ago, just after Covid. I was really out there looking for stuff and it actually spoke about how much entrepreneurs really give, what they're going through and gave really extreme examples of people that had 400, 000, 4, 000, 000, 40, 000, 000 pound worth of debt because they're putting it into their dream.

That they are beyond down in the dumps, deep, deep down, heavy as a head that wears a crown. And I know how that feels. Fact is, is that you're wearing a crown and you look like a king no matter what no one says.

ook you into my world and we [:

Wow. You did that. And they can't even see it in themselves.

**Oliver Grantham:** They just

**Sami Ahmed:** keep on raising the bar. Yeah, exactly. And I'm that person that when you start to realize that, okay, keep raising the bar here, but there's a, I'm either burnt out. I'm either emotionally drained or I'm not happy or whatever it might be.

I'm the person that you can say, do you know what? He knows recruitment. I've seen him online. I want to talk to this guy. I want to be particular about recruiters because I've been one Well, I've chosen recruitment because I went through it and it's really important and I'm passionate about it I think that that's the sort of person that would really benefit from my service

w a lot about already, using [:

**Sami Ahmed:** Absolutely. And, I've got a proven track record. there's an initial investment which most people write off on their business. but let's get you to that next level because there's a block that you put there, the levels waiting for you.

**Oliver Grantham:** Unblock

**Sami Ahmed:** that block up, break that ceiling and let's go through it.

**Oliver Grantham:** Totally. And contact details will be in the show notes and everything else. but just, just to remind everyone off the, the website again, please, Sammy.

**Sami Ahmed:** Yeah, it's www. newwavewellness. co. uk.

**Oliver Grantham:** New Wave Wellness co uk. Thank you, Sammy. I do look forward to speaking with you at length.

Other on other things that I just feel as though we've only scratched the surface on, if that's okay with you So thank you. Thank you very much, Sammy.

Thank you so much.

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The Online Hypnotherapy Podcast
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Oliver Grantham

A fully qualified and advanced UK based hypnotherapist and life coach with a strong interest in music and audio production. Practice Manager at online hypnotherapy.online