Episode 6

Published on:

30th Sep 2024

The Rise and Shine Revolution with Matt Searle: Transforming Mornings, Transforming Lives

The Rise and Shine Revolution with Matt Searle: Transforming Mornings, Transforming Lives

Podcast Show Notes: Matt Searle on the Rise and Shine Clock App

Guest: Matthew Searle Dhp hypnotherapist and personal trainer

Key Takeaways:

  • Mind-Body Connection: Matt emphasises the importance of addressing both physical and mental fitness for overall well-being. Hypnotherapy can help bridge the gap between the two, promoting positive transformation and self-development.
  • Rise and Shine Clock App: Matt's app offers a unique approach to hypnotherapy, utilising alpha, theta, and delta waves during the first 20 minutes of waking up for maximum susceptibility to positive programming.
  • Personalized Experience: The app features various categories, including general well-being, weight management, abundance, smoking cessation, and sobriety, allowing users to personalise their experience.
  • Benefits: Users can expect increased positivity, motivation, and self-agency, leading to improved mental and physical health.
  • Affordability: The app is available for £1.59 per month, with a selection of free tracks also accessible.
  • Future Plans: Matt plans to introduce new narrators, specialists, and categories, expanding the app's reach and impact.
  • Investment Opportunity: The app is currently seeking investors and is open to collaboration with practitioners interested in contributing their expertise.

What's next?

  • Download the Rise and Shine Clock app from the App Store or Google Play and experience the benefits of hypnotherapy for yourself.
  • If you're a practitioner or investor interested in collaborating with Matt, reach out through his contact details
  • Consider investing in the app and supporting its mission to promote mental and physical well-being.

Matthew Searle, Dhp. Hypnotherapist & Founder of Rise & Shine Alarm Clock App. With 13 years of experience Matthew has flipped the script employing the hypnopompic stages of wakefulness with an innovating concept while we are at our most susceptible to positive suggestion. Intention is nothing without action. Hypnotherapy works. Rise & Shine works like a Dream.

Matthew's Facebook page

@Riseandshineclock on Instagram

You can find details and download the app from here:


Matt also has an AirBnb venue you can book: More details here:


Remember: Your mind and body are interconnected. Take care of both for a happier, healthier life. Your Mind Matters.

Speaker A:

Welcome to online hypnotherapy. Online, the podcast with your host, Oliver Grantham. The place where we explore and deep dive into the power of hypnotherapy.

If you're curious about hypnotherapy and want to learn from a real hypnotherapist who are experts in their field with real practical advice and real help, then you're in the right place. Join us as we deep dive into the world of hypnosis, relaxation, self development and personal transformation.

Get ready to have your questions answered and embark on a journey of self discovery with us.

Speaker B:

I'm delighted to introduce Matt Searle of rise and shine therapy rise and shine hypnotherapy app, namely the rise and shine I clock app. And it's something very much we're going to be chatting more about a very exciting app that he has developed. And over to you, Matt.

Welcome Matt Searle from rise and shine hypnotherapy. And you are a hypnotherapist?

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

And you are a personal trainer?

Speaker C:

That's right, yeah.

Speaker B:

And you have developed mixing the best of those both worlds and the skills you have in that area over the past few years, is that right?

So can you just go through maybe, how long have you been qualified as a hypnotherapist for where you trained and how over the last few years, you've been able to very much effectively integrate your coaching with your hypnotherapy?

Speaker C:

personal trainer qualified in:

ton practice, practicing from:

So nutrition, a cat tool belt qualification, boxer size qualification, and I would just keep bolting them on, but they always remained one, lacking quality in my clients. So they're paying their money, they're turning up, they're breaking their backs, they're breaking the sweat, they're putting in all the effort.

Then at some point I'd say, so what, did you have dinner last night? You see the face sort of wince, and they'd admit that they'd had a chinese and I'd be okay, but what is it that you want to achieve?

Let's look back at your goals. And they were making choices that were psychologically wrong.

And I realized that I can add on another qualification here, another qualification there. But something was needed. That was out of the box. I looked at NLP, I looked at other things.

It was almost neuro linguistic programming that I went for. But then I realized that it was hypnotherapy. And really, if ever anyone asked me, what is hypnotherapy?

And I want to explain it in one sentence, I'd say that hypnosis enables us to do what it is that we want to do and to program our mind. It happens naturally and is programmed concisely, clearly, and the objective becomes the outcome.

And it's absolutely superseded my own expectations, and it's changed my clients lives.

Speaker B:

I think there's an emphasis. There's a tendency, isn't there, of an emphasis with personal training on the physical.

The same could be said of yoga, perhaps, as well, where you want to get physically fit. But the mind and body connection, they're equally important, if not the mind, even more important. Would you agree?

Speaker C:

Nicely said. Yeah. Hit the nail on the head. And I think it's quite easy to be focusing on the physical and to almost miss that if you don't put your finger on it.

So it really is. And when we are in a good state of mind, then you tend to be in a good state of health. The two go hand in hand.

Speaker B:


If you work hard down the gym, for instance, and there's a subconscious part of you who thinks you're not worthy of being slimmer or fitter, maybe that sort of self sabotage kicks in you once the endorphin head rush has come and gone, and you go home and you're thinking, oh, no, I do fancy a sweet and sour or whatever, and it's because you're unhappy. Maybe you feel as though you don't deserve it or something like that. And then, as you say, all the. Because of.

That's a mental thing that is very much like a sabotage thing. It's that part that needs to be addressed, because otherwise all the other work you've done, the physical work, is in vain.

Is that what, is that the kind of thing you're saying?

Speaker C:

Yeah, you really have got that right.

It's the difference, isn't it, between acting in the correct frame of mind, the pre left frontal cortex, or acting out of the amygdala, bouncing between the two? And we need to be to get things right in life. We want to be in our adult intellectual area of the brain.

And hypnosis enables us to be there as often as we can be. It certainly enables us to understand, has to be in that correct mindset.

Speaker B:

I would guess if everybody, your trainees, I would guess that if your trainees were honest with themselves, the vast majority of them would say yes. There is, to varying degrees, negative, maybe negative thoughts and negative thought patterns that could easily be.

I say it's easy for me to say, easy for us to say it's easily turned around. But I would guess that the, if they're honest with themselves, the majority of the people would benefit.

Would they, from some form of hypnotic or mindset training?

Speaker C:

I would be confident to say everybody would be everybody.

Hypnosis has blown my mind and I can look at every client confidently in the eyes and say, this categorically works, and it has every single time, and continues to. We all drift off and program our mind incorrectly without even realizing, don't we?

And to take some time out and to clear that busy mind and to have some positive seeds planted deeply in the mind is a fantastic tool for positive transformation.

Speaker B:

And how would you, or how do you go about identifying clients mental needs? Do you give them a questionnaire? Do you chat with them? Or is it different? And do you think everybody's clients needs are slightly different?

If everyone can benefit from it, how do you find out? Discover how, particularly for a particular specific client, the approach you might want to take.

Speaker C:

I think a way to explain it might be personal trainer is very much like a hairdresser. We are everybody's therapist. At least my style of personal training is we talk, we communicate.

I'm an empath, so I'm always open to listen and I take attention to fine detail of what my clients need on every aspect, because I understand that their mental health is an absolute byproduct of the results that we're going to get for their personal training and their well being. And my want for my clients is for them to be physically and mentally fit.

And I pick up on the finer details, I think, and answer questions, ask the right questions.

Speaker B:

Do you integrate the mental side of things into that thing because you're able to do that unlike that's your USP, isn't it? That is different to what any other personal trainer might be able to do.

So to what extent, if at all, do you integrate that into the physical training plan?

Speaker C:

Yeah, it's always available for them.

If they're lacking motivation, if their dietary habits need tweaking, if they are struggling because they're going through a tough time at home, or any other issues in life that are disrupting their progression and positive momentum, then hypnotherapy will always be available and comes into play.

Speaker B:

Absolutely. And how do you deliver that hypnotherapy? We're coming onto the app very shortly, which may be part of this. But how do you see them in person?

Do you see them online? Do you bolt it on to one of their training sessions before or after? Or is it separate, or does it depend on the client? How?

Once the client obviously pitch into the converted here, once the client knows how important the mindset is and how your hypnosis helps them, how do you deliver it? Is it in a certain way or does it depend?

Speaker C:

Yeah. So it's nearly always one to one. Every one of my clients will be directed to my app, and nearly every one of my clients uses my app.

But my gym in my garden is a big log cabin and bolted to the side of my gym. It's a hypnotherapy room. So it's as convenient for them as it is turning up for personal training.

Speaker B:

Got you. So you have a purpose built, purpose made centre, if you will, where you live for this specific purpose?

Speaker C:

Absolutely. It's almost a wellness center. It has a big 20 seated sunken fire pitae, and there's also an Airbnb.

So my Airbnb guests are educated that they can come and have their own therapists on site. They can be left as they are to enjoy the place in peace, or they can have personal training.

So it's all under one roof, which is nice and convenient.

Speaker B:

And I'll tell you what.

Have you got a website with pictures of this place or would you like to send some through to me and I can put it all on in the show notes so that people can actually see visually what we're talking about here.

Speaker C:

I could certainly send an Airbnb link, which would be fantastic. And that has the whole. All the pictures and covers all of the area. Would that work?

Speaker B:

Brilliant. It certainly would. So, yes, send me that over and I'll put it all in the show notes for people to actually see. Yeah. Complete with any other links.

This isn't just a podcast to let all my listeners know.

It's very much a resource where you can listen back through these conversations and there'll be resources in the links Matt is providing me with that. You'll be able to go and look further and discover more about exactly how he goes about doing what. All the good stuff he does. So. Fantastic. Good.

You studied at the Clifton centre practice. That's solution focused hypnotherapy, isn't it? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Very famous practice. And I think they. They. They're franchising out now.

They're not just Bristol, are they? They're all over the country.

Speaker C:

Is that right? I haven't been in the loop of that for so many years now. It's been such a long time, but sure was fantastic. It really was, yeah.

Speaker B:

Good. Excellent. And onto the app, if you will. Matt, I know you have been busy developing an app over the last few years.

Now, the rise and shine clock, available both on the app store and Google Play. I know you've been very busy with this exciting development of the app that you've been developing. Rise and shine clock.

So what's the background to that mask? How did this idea come about? And what does the rise and shine clock app in particular offer people who use it?

Speaker C:

Okay, so the rise and shine alarm clock app wakes you up with positivity, and we'll expand on that.

But we flipped hypnotherapy on its head, and we've taken out the induction phase, and we're utilizing the very beneficial elements of when you're waking up in alpha, theta, and delta waves. So you are at your most susceptible to positive programming within the first 20 minutes of your waking day.

So rise and shine takes advantage of this, and it came about through heartache and mental health, to be honest. My daughter was taken to live in a different country at the age of four. And I went into an extremely dark place where I couldn't even get out of bed.

In the morning, I would twist and turn in my bed sheets in absolute turmoil, with nothing but negative thoughts contaminating my mind. And I, as a hypnotherapist, I knew better than to run with these negative thoughts.

But I physically couldn't get out of bed, even though I knew that just by stepping out of bed, my day would get a percent better. But at times, I had to get out of bed. I had work to go to, but my jobs would start at different times of the day.

So the only thing that was of any benefit to my mental health was hypnotherapy.

I knew that the only way to silence the hectic noise in my mind was to take 30 minutes out on my own hypnotherapy couch and play hypnotherapy to silence my mind. And with hypnotherapy, you often get byproducts.

And one moment, I woke up, sat bolt upright, and my mind had delivered a whole business plan with a light, bold moment of inspiration. The business name was rise and shine. Even delivered the colors of the graphics, and it delivered all of the categories to start with.

It delivered the business people that I would want to speak to. And it was there, clear as day, as soon as I woke up from the hypnotherapy. And I realized I needed to wake up with hypnotherapy every day.

And at first I put a hypnotherapy cd on a stereo and my eyes would open and I'd roll over and press play.

And I realized that there was a better way to wake me up slowly with a hypnotic wake up that wasn't disrupting me and to program my mind with hypnotherapy before I even opened my eyes and rise and shine was born. So that's the backstory.

Speaker B:

Thank you so much for sharing that personal and heartrending story, Matt.

I very much, and I'm sure listeners will appreciate that as well because there's always a story, there's always a story behind, I think, or a series of stories that really make us want to go into the line, the area of work that we do. And you have personal experience of using hypnosis to help you through, and you are therefore through personal experience.

You're one of the biggest advocates of it.

I'll tell you what, before we go into any more detail about it, let's go to the YouTube video that explains more about the features and benefits of the rise and shine clock app.

Speaker D:

Welcome to rise and shine. Your way to wake up feeling great. Your waking mind is incredibly receptive to positivity.

Rise and shine taps into this with powerful guided meditations and positive affirmations as your daily alarm clock. Browse the growing library of track categories, including general well being, abundance, smoking cessation, and weight control.

Topic tags help you choose the perfect track for your mood. Daily mindfulness just got a whole lot easier. You can even preview each track to discover your favorite narrators and music styles.

Speaker C:

Is like a huge television screen with words and images flashing across it too fast for you to see, and you realize that this is information being trans.

Speaker D:

Put your phone on charge and remember to turn your media volume up. Quiet, uplifting music slowly increases towards your wake up time.

So set your alarm time and day as you would a normal alarm and then get ready for sleep mode. A low light screen snoozes with you as you sleep, and your mindfulness practice begins before you even open your eyes. It works like a dream.

With a selection of free tracks, you can enjoy the many benefits of a positive mindset with zero effort. Sleep well and wake up feeling great.

Speaker C:

Three, two, one, rise. And shine.

Speaker B:

Matt, that sounds really exciting and fantastic.

Would you like to just explain more about, then, the features and benefits of the app, a bit more depth about how it's used and what people can expect to gain from it?

Speaker C:

Yeah. So there are hundreds upon thousands of hypnotherapy apps available for everyone to use, which are fantastic, and they work.

You can find many different narrators and styles, but I do believe that rise and shine is one of the only ones that starts before you even open your eyes.

We have an original app here that is, as I said before, is utilizing that time in the morning where you are so susceptible to receive positivity or negativity. But we're talking about positivity, and we have many different categories, general categories of which will become.

They will become relevant to what it is that you are in need of. And then we have specific categories that we can complement alongside the general categories of weight management, abundance, smoking cessation.

And we're incorporating new categories with an ever expanding availability to bolt on as many categories as we. We need to and want to and will continue to grow.

So rise and shine starts before you open your eyes and programs your mind with beautiful metaphors, affirmations, guided meditations, and hypnosis, programming your mind for a fantastic day and for the days ahead, accompanied with beautiful music that is being produced specifically for every single track. And it's a fantastic way to wake up, that you really do wake up feeling great and ready to approach the day with positivity.

Positively programmed for a fantastic day.

Speaker B:

Is what you're saying that the way you feel as you approach your day isn't just a feeling, it impacts on the actions you take?

Speaker C:

Yeah, you're programmed to take positive actions. You don't wake up with an alarming noise that produces cortisol, the stress hormone.

You wake up in a beautiful way that releases serotonin to feel good hormone.

And then these positive seeds that have landed in your subconscious mind, the anterior cingulate cortex, the secretary of the brain, is receiving those. And the job of the subconscious mind is to always turn your every intention into reality.

And if you're in agreement with the narrator's suggestions, then they become your own intentions.

And then throughout the day, these seeds are being watered and are growing as your days evolve and the positive changes that you're making become apparent.

Speaker B:

Yes, you're saying that there's an adage of which there are hundreds, if not thousands, that having options is better than no option at all. Are you saying that these suggestions, these ideas, are there for, as you say, specific purposes.

And if you don't mind, we'll get onto that in a moment. But that these are suggestions and ideas that the listener may have idly thought about themselves in the past but have long been forgotten.

And it's reminding them through the suggestions and through the meditation, through the guide that seems like a blend of all kinds of things, like hypnosis and a form of coaching and suggestions that it's really echoing. People will relate to some of the things or all of the things that are being suggested to them, thinking, hey, yes.

And so they'll have that light bulb moment just as you did.

Speaker C:


It's funny because you're a hypnotherapist and you're saying these things releasing dopamine on my arms now and the hair standing up on my arms, because it's exactly that.

Speaker B:

Can we explain that one? Actually, it's all to do with anchoring, isn't it? I think I've just said something to you, which you could equally do with me as well.

And it's reminded you because I spoke with you just then in a semi or even a hypnotic way, it's reminded you of all of those past experiences, like dominoes. It's called stacking of anchors. And I've just made the hair on your arm stand up.

Speaker C:

Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. It's quite refreshing to be speaking to another hypnotherapist in this way. And I'm just sat here thinking, you absolutely get it.

Of course you do. Yeah, of course. Yeah. In agreement with that.

I often say to my clients before they get on the couch that I'll be saying things and you'll be thinking, okay, yeah, I get that. I can relate to that. That makes sense. Yeah, that's exactly what I want to do.

If you're, as I said before, if you're in agreement with my suggestions, then they become your intentions. And they will always be in agreement because they will only ever. The suggestions will only ever be for their benefit, and they relate to it.

And ultimately, because they've chosen the script, what they are receiving is what they are searching for. There's 57 tracks to choose from, and the track will always be planting positive seeds that are relevant for what they're looking for.

Speaker B:

And you did mention the different categories that are already in existence and the ones that you have planned. So I was wondering, can you just explain maybe one or two of the existing ones that you've.

That through experience, are people are particularly finding helpful the, like the popular ones and why that is. And also plans for introducing that I know is currently a work in progress for you, isn't it? Plans for future categories, yeah.

Speaker C:

So the general wellbeing category becomes relevant for whatever the user is searching for.

So if then a user goes to the weight management category and weight management is their focus, then every one of the general wellbeing category can become relevant to weight management. We have abundance. Smoking cessation.

And if they were using the smoking cessation categories, then all of the general, well, well being categories can become relevant to the smoking cessation category. Does that make sense?

Speaker B:

Yes, it does. Because the technical term is comorbidity. I dislike that word because it sounds so awful. But what I think what you're saying is.

I know, is what you're saying is that when people come to you, it's more. They're the source of their difficulties is more than just the presenting problem. And there's an incongruence as well.

So let's say somebody, I want to lose weight, okay? Get on the run, get on the treadmill, and they're coughing up and spluttering. And you're saying, do you smoke? Yeah, I'm on 40 a day.

Obviously there's an incongruence there, and their subconscious mind isn't really aligned with their conscious mind. And they go out to the gym and have a fag or they go and have a McDonald's or something after. Is this what you're saying?

That everything's connected and that if somebody wants to, example, lose weight, there are a lot of emotional reasons for that. There are things where they need to subconsciously, for want of a better phrase, get their ducks in a row to be able to see the path that.

And anything that's blocking that path needs to be removed in a nice way, of course, in a positive way, through hypnosis? Is that what you're saying? We're talking about a combination of issues that are addressed all at the same time. Like a holistic way of looking at it.

Speaker C:

That's right.

For an example, we might be looking at giving up smoking, and you go through all of the smoking station category, but we might want to dip into general well being category and pick track ability to shift to positives. We might want to look at a track that deals with confidence.

It's got every angle to approach every aspect to really narrow down and take care of all the programming that is relevant to solve the issue over an array of different styles.

And we want this app to end up with thousands upon thousands of tracks and categories and narrators, so that every aspect of whatever the listener the user might be looking for is available for be that soldiers with post traumatic stress disorder, children suffering with bulimia. And the new category that we're introducing in October is for sobriety.

But they'll always want to dip into the general well being to take care of, again, their self worth, confidence, again, all sorts of different elements. So we overlap instructions.

We complement instructions with all different tracks and different narrators and different delivery and styles to really take care of of all aspects.

Speaker B:

And on average, how long do these tracks last?

Speaker C:

I would say between five and 15 minutes. And as you're scrolling through and choosing your track, you can choose the duration, the narrator, the topic, style.

So you might prefer a male narrator, you might prefer a female narrator. You might want a quick wake up experience or a longer one. And, and can you go to bed.

Speaker B:

At night saying how you want to be woken up and what you want to be woken up to?

Speaker C:

That's a really good question. And thanks for coming to that. Because the process begins as you close your eyes.

The importance of scrolling through the tracks and reading the descriptions is a key part of the process.

At that point, you select your track and you set your phone into a dark screen mode, which means at that point, you set the phone down in the dark sleep screen mode, which stops you scrolling on Facebook, stops you looking through Instagram. And your mind knows that now it's time to go to sleep.

And the last thoughts that are on your mind will be the track description of what you have set your mind for. So now you fall asleep, and your mind is processing the information that it knows it's going to receive in the morning.

Then you receive the information in the morning, planting positive seeds, and you wake up and you've had a whole night of positive programming.

Speaker B:

Yes, it's. And for busy people on the go, I like the idea of just five or six minutes through to a maximum of about 15 minutes. Your app was born.

Your app was born out of human nature to use and use this kind of a. As we learn more about neurosciences and neurology and so on, maybe your app is actually a natural extension. And it was meant to be.

It was meant to be. Matt.

Speaker C:

Beautiful. Lisa, thank you very much. That's very nice of you. We've stuck with this annoying, alarming noise for so long, and we repeatedly do it.

We repeatedly wake up with a frown on our face. God, it's Monday. Damn. I've got to go to work. Reach over, slam that noise off and then we do it again the next day, and the next day, and the.

Speaker B:

Next day, and it's mad in it.

Speaker C:

And there is room for improvement. And you brought up a point which was really, really beneficial, which I'd like to expand on. We have this time in the morning where it's free time.

We're waking up, having to find no additional time in our day, because a lot of people can't even find 15 minutes to sit and meditate, and they may sit and try and meditate for 15 minutes, and by the end of the 15 minutes, find that they've not even been able to get into a meditative state. It can take hours and months and years of practice to learn how to meditate.

But we found a space that is freely available to everybody, no matter how busy their working day. And it's beneficial time where they may have even been using that time just to repeatedly hit the snooze button.

And with rise and shine, you don't feel the need for the snooze button because you've thoroughly enjoyed that time where you want to milk that extra little bit of sleep, but in a beautiful, dream like state. So it's mindful. It's a mindful practice with minimal effort that takes no additional time from your day. And I think that's a huge benefit.

Speaker B:

Specifically for someone who is extremely busy and relates to the kind of lifestyle that I've certainly had in the past.

This app could be ideal for them because it does introduce, in a natural way, this idea of self development through a guided meditation, hypnosis, that kind of thing.

Would you agree that your app, over and above other apps, is a good thing for people who are perhaps just starting out and want to try in as seamless way as possible to reap all the benefits of what your app can do?

Speaker C:

Yeah, absolutely. I love that you use the word self development, personal development, with minimal effort, no time needed, and mornings no longer need to be alarming.

Speaker B:

Alarming, yes. No, actually, pun was intended, I'm sure.

Speaker C:

Yeah, it was intended. Absolutely was intended. But, yeah, that's it. To wake up positively. Why are we not doing that?

Why do we keep choosing to wake up negatively, which in an alarm clock is? It's alarming. It produces cortisol, the stress hormone, which actually eats into lean muscle mass.

We won't go into that in too much depth, but it seems bizarre to me now after using my app and to create something that wakes people up feeling so good with so many benefits. It does seem so ancient to me and outdated to me now, you know what?

Speaker B:

I'm something that I'm sure you're very familiar with, and people through the hard school of life are beginning to learn as well, is that if you wake up in a bad mood and you wake up not in a good place, the rest of your rest of your working the rest of your day goes like that.

Speaker C:

Absolutely. But also what I learned as a hypnotherapist and this taught me a valuable life lesson, is rolling with negative thoughts. Program your mind.

Every negative thought is converted into stress, anxiety, and depression. I didn't realize how, for how long that knock on effect is increasing the stress in your stress bucket.

And to start with, negative thoughts are so detrimental to your state of mind for the day and the days ahead. And it was a valuable life lesson to really learn the detrimental effects of negative thoughts and the beneficial effects of positive thoughts.

And to start your day negatively or positively is an absolute game changer.

Speaker B:

The human mind is a bio computer, and you wouldn't intentionally feed your laptop or your computer or your digital device with viruses, would you? But by negatively, that's exactly what you're doing.

Speaker C:

Well said.

Speaker B:

Yeah, and, yeah.

Speaker C:

I don't even want to expand on that. That's perfect. It's really nicely put. Very visual representation. Exactly that. Yeah.

Speaker B:

And your app turns the tables on that. You deserve to think positive and happy thoughts, and positive, happy thoughts generate more positive, happy thoughts. And it's not just thoughts.

It takes into the way your demeanor, how you relate to other people, how people might then be more open with you. Because we as human beings, we are very susceptible to very nonverbal communication that are subliminal.

You can tell by just by looking at someone what kind of a mood they're in.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

Whether you, whether your subconscious mind realizes that or not.

And if you think positive and you are open and you've got that subtle body language, I'm not talking about the stuff that's obvious and animated that the coaches live. Coaches tell you, then people are going to start treating you differently and you might not even know why.

And it was all because they listened to your app.

Speaker C:

Yeah. And the very positive thought just washed over me as you were speaking, something you must have said.

One of the real benefits that I've noticed with rise and shine is you wake up, you slowly open your eyes on the command of three, two, one, rise and shine.

And you have this powerful emotion and feeling wash over you of, I've received all of that because I chose to, because I decided the night before that I was going to personally develop today.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

And I selected this app. I downloaded this app, I chose this track because I wanted to receive these changes in my life.

And you almost wake up and you almost pat yourself on the back from the get go that you've decided to have a better day. You've decided to be positive.

You're programmed sometimes to whistle along to the music on the radio, and you are going to go with that, because as an adult, with an adult intellectual brain, you have chose for that life and you receive that self momentum every time you choose a track and every time you wake up with one.

And I think that it's been a real powerful tool because you're on a journey of self development every time you choose to wake up with self development.

Speaker B:

Very well put, Matt. Very well put. Because there might be some people who are thinking, God, this app is going to make me do this or make me do that.

No, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. There's something in you. If you're listening to this podcast, something in you has driven you to listen to this. You were meant to listen to this.

Perhaps you were meant to listen to Matt and find out more about his app and download it and use it. And when you do use it, it was you that chose what to do.

And when you awaken from that and you go about your everyday in that positive, perhaps first time ever positive state, and the life changing impact that can have on you over a period of time, you did that.

The thing you listen to, your subconscious mind discriminates and says, yeah, I like that suggestion, but I don't quite like that one, or I've forgotten that one. You choose, and it's just the facilitator. You're the one who did it. It gives you the agency, it gives you the control, it gives you the power.

Speaker C:

Perfect. Exactly that.

Speaker B:

And that's presumably what you have built into the app. You're giving people that freedom of choice, that agency. It's not going to a hypnosis show and clucking like a chicken. It's giving people the power.

They might, they might say, oh, I've got this app and it's brilliant. But I'll tell you what, I will give it a rest tomorrow, because I think I still need time for everything. People are more people generally.

This is a message to everyone listening. You're more intuitive than you perhaps realize that you are.

And it's time to start thinking about the fact that you have confidence in your intuition to follow your gut instincts. And if you listen to one of the sessions on Matz app and you think, yeah, I need more time for that to sink in.

So I won't set it this morning, or I'll either repeat it or I'll just let that sink in and I won't use it this morning, I'll use it the following day, which indeed you do. Then that is good. That's all part of the self development journey, isn't it?

Learning about yourself, knowing yourself and following your heart, following your intuition more. And what you're saying is that app's got that headroom built in.

Speaker C:

Yeah, absolutely. Exactly.

Like you say, we are constantly adding tools to our own toolbox of life so that we can get through this journey in the best, positive, most successful way.

If we're dehydrated, we have a glass of water, have a headache, we take a headache tablet, we do what we need to do to be the best version of ourselves. People may have found this podcast as their mind is subconsciously taking them to wherever they need to be. Yeah.

Speaker B:

Take notice of what you're taking notice of. Absolutely. We all naturally know what to do with our physical condition. I'm hungry, have something to eat, I'm thirsty, have something to drink.

And what we, I think as practitioners do, and I'm sure it's inherent in your app and everything else that you do, you're growing that ability, helping facilitate that ability that we all inherently have, to be able to follow your gut instinct more. And I don't believe in coincidences.

And if you've been guided to this, and you're going to be guided to use the app, then that is for a very good reason. The reasons for which you may or may not know of right now, but will become apparent to you in time, I'm sure.

Speaker C:


Oliver, I've never had an experience where I can explain myself and have it backed up by someone who gets it so much, and it's so rewarding and it feels really, it feels. You're reiterating what I'm saying and making it so much clearer. So I really appreciate that. It feels good.

Speaker B:

That's all part of it.

We ourselves are benefiting from this, I think, Matt, because that's part of what personal development meetings are all about, and which I'm sure you have. Not only we're benefiting ourselves as therapists, as well as hopefully benefiting the listeners to this show. So, yeah, absolutely.

So, yeah, Matt, how much does, does this app cost?

Speaker C:


We have it priced extremely cheap because we firstly want to be recognized and showcase the fact that this actually categorically works, and then we're going to be able to become more appealing to investors. We're currently investor ready and that would be the next stage. So at the moment, it's just one pound 59 to unlock all tracks.

One pound 59 a month unlocks all tracks, and that's the price right now.

Speaker B:

And if you just do a app store or Google Play Store search for Rise and shine clock, you'll get there.

Speaker C:

You will. That's a simple enough way. And also, if you go to the website, there's buttons that you can just click whether you're iOS or Android.

And it will always have free tracks available also. So there's always a handful of free tracks. We'll probably unlock more tracks for free as we introduce the sobriety category for sober October.

Speaker B:

Great. So in a way, it's try before you buy. You've got nothing to lose. Just download the app and give it a go like you would with other apps.

And I'm sure that you'll download this app and you'll want to stay good. So an exciting investment opportunity.

So this is just the beginning, really, is it, of a journey that's going to continue on because it's all about the journey, not the destination. So you have your future. Plans for the app are very much there and planned. Are they?

Speaker C:

Yeah. A long way to go. The journey will never stop. We will continually add new narrators. Specialists in their field will be the next style.

So really bringing in some specialists to new categories.

Speaker B:

We shout out to that then, Matt, is that all right? If any practitioners are listening to this and they'd like to approach you with their skill set, can they do that?

Will contact details be in the show notes for them to get?

Speaker C:

Yeah, absolutely. That's a fantastic idea. We would love to hear from you.

The more narrators, the more categories, the more tracks, and the more specialists in their field that we can introduce is exactly how we envisage growing.

Speaker B:

So, future plans. You mentioned investment. I can imagine there are many out there who would seriously consider looking at this app and investing more into it.

Over to you, Matt. What might you want to say to any potential people who are actually interested in backing you on this?

Speaker C:

Yeah, please do get in touch. It is a great opportunity for yourself as it is for us. We are now seis approved and we are certainly ready to put this to investors.

It would be great to hear from you.

Speaker B:

Good. That's an exciting development as well. So, yes, thank you very much. So thank you, Matt.

Speaker C:

Thank you very much. Oliver really enjoyed that.

Speaker B:


And just to let you know, if you're interested in the app and anything else related to things that we mentioned in this podcast, complete with the YouTube video, all of the links to that will be in the show notes. So please do go ahead. Thank you very much, Matt, for your time today. Thank you very much.

Speaker C:

Thank you very much.

Speaker B:

You're welcome. Thank you.

Speaker A:

You've been listening to the online hypnotherapy podcast with me, your host, Oliver Grantham, and this episode with Matt Searle, the founder of the Rise and Shine app.

And just to wrap up today's episode, just to leave you with some thoughts, what if the key to unlocking your full potential lies not just in your physical strength, but in your mental resilience? And it reminds us clearly of the mind body connection and the importance of that.

So Matt's journey into the creation of the rise and shine clock app reminds us that our minds are powerful tools capable of incredible personal change.

So one way for you to explore the power hypnotherapy, to harness the potential of your subconscious mind, is to listen to the rise and shine app every day with a renewed sense of purpose and positivity. Remember, the journey to a better you starts with a single step, and that could be as simple as just downloading Matt's rise and shine app.

So until the next time, keep exploring, keep growing, and remember, your mind matters.

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The Online Hypnotherapy Podcast
Are you curious about hypnotherapy and want to learn more? Do you want to discover more about it and even benefit from it with free advice and tips? Always wanted to ask questions about it but afraid to look into our eyes? That's OK, because we're audio only here, ask away.

This is the place to join us for real talk with real hypnotherapists - a place to learn more about hypnotherapy and the infinite ways it can help you - and get your questions answered with qualified and experienced hypnotherapists. Discussing anything and everything about hypnotherapy.

Anyone with an interest in hypnosis, self development, practitioners and clients are welcome to be a guest on my show.

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Oliver Grantham

A fully qualified and advanced UK based hypnotherapist and life coach with a strong interest in music and audio production. Practice Manager at online hypnotherapy.online